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A New Life with #SachchiAdvice

When we are young, we have so many dreams- dreams to do so much, dreams of becoming something big. But as we grow, we slowly realize that the big dreams that we had, are turning out to be our biggest challenge to achieve. Life is full of ups and downs, often things go hay-wear from outside obstructions and often we take wrong turns, leading to our failure and often destruction. But what if we get a person, who helps us tread the right path in these difficult times?

No one is perfect in life. I personally had my moments of failures and despairs that were difficult to deal. There were times when I had thought of giving up everything, in despair and on a possession of frustration and seek the solace of solitude. However, in those difficult times, the one person who had been there with me was my aunt. She is a fighter herself, and one of the most positive minded persons I have ever seen. She had always encouraged me to fight the negativity in my life and welcome newer hopes instead. She had made me realize that life is not a bed of roses, but we can pluck the thorns out and make it smoother.

It was because of her constant support that I had known to take up newer challenges and to diversify to newer avenues. I used to give up very soon before, but my aunt’s advice and words of wisdom has made me realize that until you fail, you will not get the taste of success. I have no words to thank her, she has been my strongest motivator and inspiration in whatever I have done and still do. No word is enough to thank her and to define the influence she has in making my life, a better one and a new one with her #SachchiAdvice.

“I am participating in the #SachchiAdvice Contest by MaxLife in Association with BlogAdda.

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