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     Our political class needs to be watched closely. They probably get away with more than any ordinarily attentive private citizen is aware – and a lot more than any unengaged private citizen can imagine.

     Yesterday’s developments were more dramatic than I’d expected them to be. I’d anticipated that the Democrats would reject and disparage whatever President Trump might propose – they’ve been trying to impeach him since before his inauguration – but I hadn’t expected that their rejection would travel backward in time. The timestamps on Nancy Pelosi’s tweets leave no doubt of it. Yet the significance of that odd sequence of events has been lost on everyone but a single British news outlet.

     President Trump has been doing exceedingly well in office. Any objective observer, assessing the state of the nation today versus that in January of 2017, would be compelled to agree. But he’s got a target on his back even so. The reasons are several and need not be recapped here, except to note the one that stands out above the rest: the Democrats’ blind hatred for the man who’s undone the pro-socialism journey of their Anointed One. That he thwarted the continuation of that process by his chosen successor, at this point, is merely icing on the cake.

     Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats’ Congressional vanguard once voted a $50 billion appropriation for a physical border barrier. That’s a matter of public record. You won’t hear them admit to it today, of course. Not only does a politician hate to be caught in a contradiction that stark, it would also be a big extra round for the Trump cannon. The highest priority item on the Democrats’ agenda is to thwart President Trump. Therefore their hatred of Trump overpowers all their other motives. Q.E.D.

     This is the point that must be brought home to the electorate, including those voters who: 1) mostly don’t follow political developments, and: 2) base their votes on considerations other than who’s doing the best job for the nation.

     Imagine a lifelong Democrat voter being confronted inescapably with the realization that he’s been supporting politicians whose motives and policy proposals have nothing to do with the good of the people of the United States – i.e., persons animated by a combination of hatred and power lust. Facing that would have a dramatic effect on any honest man of good will. That makes it a test: who among the Democrats’ “base” is an honest man of good will? And what would those honest men of good will think of other habitual Democrat voters – i.e., those the test reveals as not honest men of good will?

     Never before in the history of this country has the cleavage that divides the wise and honest from the venal and duplicitous been clearer or more vital to address. That there are some Democrats who still belong among the former category is indisputable. (That there are some Republicans who belong in the latter is equally plain.) But the matter must be brought home to those whose voting-booth behavior has installed them in office and who must remove them in November of 2020. If that can’t be done, America has no future.

     I’ll probably be back later with something more. Just now it’s time for Mass.

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