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Bobbi Kristina $20 Million Whitney Estate

Bobbi Kristina $20 Million Whitney Estate - Whitney Houston's will has been officially revealed and her daughter, Bobbi Kristina, has inherited her entire $20 million estate. Bobbi is the only child of Whitney and Bobby Brown together.

TMZ reports that Bobbi won't have full access to the money in Whitney's will until the age of 30. The now 19-year-old won't see the first batch of funds until she's 21, another when she's 25, and the remainder at 30.

Specifications lined out in Houston's will for Bobbi Kristina include furnishings, clothing, jewelry, and all personal effects. The will was filed in Atlanta.

It's not a surprise that Bobbi inherited everything given the fact she's Whitnet Houston's only child. This clearly leaves Whitney's "adopted" son, Nick Gordon out of the will.

Source: TMZ

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