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It's Been A Long Time; I Shouldn't Have Left You...

Hello my loves. I want to apologize for being remiss by my lack of posting the past couple of days. There has been a bit of upheaval and change in the Fashionista household. My husband and I are business owners and he has a job outside of the home as well. My primary job was (and continues to be) to take care of home. But we all know and feel the effects of the economy we now exist in and so though my plate is truly piled high to begin with, when the opportunity to make some extra money to add to my family's coffer and provide some fun money for the girls and I, I had to jump on it.

So having a job outside of the house is good and bad for my blogging. It is bad because I am EXHAUSTED. All the time. Women (particularly wives and mothers) know that while we don't receive a paycheck for it, what we do at home is most definitely "work."  So I leave work to go to work, and when I get off of work I go back to work. But hey, it's living and I love every bit of it. I just need to work on my scheduling so that I can devote the proper amount of time to you lovelies. But the new J O B is good for the blog on several levels: more money for fun things to blog about, more exposure to people IRL for inspiration, and most importantly, I have a reason to leave the house on an almost daily basis and thus I have a new venue to express myself creatively which will inevitably trickle into the blog.

See, I've mentioned before my slight trepidation over posting pictures of myself and when I was ruminating as to why I was so anxious about the pics (I may be a little thicker than I'd like, but I'm cute) I realized that part of the problem is that days could go by without my having to leave the house. That meant no need for me to dress up or put on make up (except for for my husband; I have a daily alarm set so that I can get cute for him before he gets home from work) except for maybe once or twice during the week and on the weekends. But now I'm free! I actually get to interact face to face with adults other than people who I share a last name or blood with! The downside is, I am required to wear a uniform of sorts, but never fear! One of my absolute favorite forms of visual creative expression is make up. So now I have cause to get made up and do something bold and different almost everyday so as to set myself apart in a sea of similarity. So I'm thinking I may start to take pics of my make up and detail what I used and how I did it. And now because I am forced to wear a uniform for work, I am very attentive to what I wear when I'm not at work, and I have money to get cute new things (just fyi, it's not as if my family was destitute; I just felt selfish using money that could be used for the family as a whole or for my girls to buy things for myself, but now that I'm earning my own funds I feel a little more comfortable splurging on myself occasionally)! So perhaps to start with, I'll do a style post at least once a week. We shall see!

Anyway, I want to apologize for being gone for so long. Thank you to those of you that participated in the Bebe Bling give away (I'll announce and notify the winner tomorrow). I do plan to post regularly from now on. For now, I am going to retire to bed, as I plan to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to enjoy the epitome of fashion, nature. The Leonid Meteor Shower will be visible tonight in North America and Asia from about 1:00 am EST 'til dawn. I have a whole idea about waxing poetic on the fashion/nature thing so stay tuned for that. 'Til next time...

Fashion Forever...


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