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Why period feminists are hypocrits: why I don't want other woman to demand sick leave for periods

Aah, the modern woman, so strong, so equal to man, or not? Oh wait, you have your period and you needs two days off? Oh man. But wha- what about muh e- equality?

I get that some women get very ill on their period. I am one of the best examples. If my period starts on a bad day, I will freeze from the cold, be crippling with pain and have a tendency to vomit. The days before that, I (used to) have insufferable PMDD. It was once so bad that I turned up to work unable to speak to colleagues because my PMDD on day 28 had made me so depressed all I could do was cry. I wanted to run to my desk, hide my face and not talk to anyone, just do my job and run off. That morning my face had been unrecognizable from the agony, crying, depression, bloating, desperation, impending doom, psychoses and exhaustion. I looked like an ugly ball of dough and the pain was like what it feels like to give birth to triplets, I estimate.

But when you are this sick, you are supposed to do something about your health, or, if you can't change it, see a doctor. That is when you get a doctor's note and keep your wage. However, it is certainly possible to reduce PMDD symptoms and period pain by yourself. I have written a big article about that. Changing diet is crucial to get rid of PMDD, but yeah, I guess that takes discipline and effort.

Anyway, these period feminists don't care about sick notes, not even "period bracelets" to warn colleagues that you are bleeding to death. Too stigmatizing, they found. I thought it wasn't such a bad idea at all, if the extreme munchies at the desk and the slowed performance weren't clear enough.

No, these woman demand a standard two day vacation for every woman without her having to mention anything about her period. But it's not so simple. First of all, not all women suffer from period pain or PMDD. This is another strong sign that period pain and PMDD are a personal choice or at least a personal problem that stems from underlying illnesses and bad lifestyle habits such as a lack of exercise or eating fried foods.

Furthermore, this rule would cause incertainty and inequality. What if you took those two days off without having period pain? It means that women essentially work less then men, and guess what, they'll still commplain about that glass ceiling. They will demand that they earn the same, despite suddenly having 24 extra days of vacation for no reason at all.

I'm afraid it would make companies hire even more men, especially for better positions that demand more reliability. I laugh at the term "ladyboss". Meanwhile, some women need their calenders planned according to their cycles, out of fear of not being able to perform at all during PMDD. These are the same type of women who will rage when "sexist" man say that female scientists are unreliable because they are menstruating a quarter of every month. But I am a woman and I think these men are right!

Did you also know that our periods our 28 days because they used to follow the cycle of the moon? Now are cyclus are deregulated by artificial lighting, but if we went to bed with the sun and woke up with it, our cycles would follow that of the moon soon again. The female body is amazing, but we can only function if we let it as natural as possible. If you can't manage your job, that's understandable. I am definitely not saying we should act strong in any job, on the contrary. Instead of demanding CEO positions and then taking sick leave etc., why don't you fill in an actual women's role instead of proving something that does not do you good?

Get your body back under the control of the moon, eat lean and nutritious foods, exercise and keep stress levels low. You can even use crystals, for Christ's sake. Moonstone and rose quartz help, but why use silly old age old rocks with healing vibrations, right, when you can swallow rocks called ibuprofen, that commit "no harm at all"?

If you are dying of cramps because you ate a quick store bought pasta for the 8th time this week because you couldn't cook during your full time job, you are the problem, not the employer.



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