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Eucerin Roughness Relief Spot

Does your skin sometimes feel like sandpaper ? After all Winter's cold  air I know my fingers and knuckles no matter how much hand cream I use are still very dry as is one elbow. The one I lean on most I guess.

Eucerin's new  Roughness Relief Spot  has urea and lactic acid to help smooth out the roughness and ceramides and sunflower oil to add moisture.

The tube ends in a pointy tip so you can squeeze out as much or little as you need for spot treating  or to cover a larger area.

As with any urea based lotions I've used this can be a little tacky feeling at first, but that goes away pretty quickly. It's definitely helped those knuckles and elbows within 2 uses and works nicely on heels of feet too.

The tube is large at 2.5 oz so it's going to last awhile  and there is also a matching lotion. 

Eucerin Roughness Relief Spot  is $ 6.99

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