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Film Style Inspiration- Angela (Une Femme est une Femme)

Today is my sister's 23rd birthday so I just wanted to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday Kate!

Donnacha and I took some photographs today in St. Kevin's Churchyard. It's an old church ruin and graveyard that's used more as a park now. There are unclaimed gravestones standing all around the ruined walls of the church. It's quite scary walking past there at night and to be honest it's a bit strange seeing people sunbathing and having picnics in a graveyard during the summer. I wanted to take photos in the Iveagh Gardens today but the weather took a turn for the worst and it started to get very windy and rainy so we went to the churchyard because it's closer to our apartment.

The idea behind this outfit post is something new I'm going to try out. I want to do an outfit post based on the style of a film character once a month. I'm hoping it will be some fun and I'm very happy with how these ones turned out, I've even got next months planned out!

January's film character style inspiration is Anna Karina's character Angela in Une Femme est une Femme. I was so taken with how she dressed in the film that I really wanted to do a post based on her style and that's where my monthly idea came from. I want to get creative with it and use props and really think of how I can make a character's style my own. Here are the photos, I hope you enjoy!

I wore red, white and blue like Angela does throughout the film and I wanted it to be a little playful like some of the scenes in the film so I was dancing about the park in the wind but those photos were a little all over the place so I won't show them to you. My make up was liquid eyeliner and blue eye shadow (not as bright as Anna Karina's) and I also did my hair in a beehive which I've never done before and I really like how it turned out. I'm a huge admirer of the 60s style that has been so prominent in fashion for the past few years but unfortunately the super short dresses and tunic style don't really flatter me so this is my take on it.

I hope you like the idea and if you have any suggestions of characters please let me know or even if you fancy trying it out yourself with your favourite film characters!

So we're going to Kerry tomorrow for a week. We will have internet down there but it might not be great so I don't know if i'll get to post again until next weekend when I'm sure I'll have loads of photos from the week to show you. I even have an outfit post idea for during the week if Donnacha has the time to be my photographer!

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

We'll talk soon,

Emma xx

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