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  • ajkrause
    Sep 1, 02:39 AM
    I got 9A2439 from my University's seeding server, while the one released to devs at WWDC was 9A2441... but nevertheless this updated to 9A2441e.

    Upon rebooting I noticed everything was a bit snappier and some minor bugs were fixed. 10.5 is running really speedy... damn near 10.4 or dare I say... faster?

    Apple has a history of that... making their OS'es run faster than the previous one on the same hardware. At least that's what my experience has been with Panther, Tiger and Leopard preview.

    When I bought my Powerbook G4 3 years ago, it came with Panther, then I upgraded to Tiger and it seemed to run much faster... much more responsive. After its hard drive died, I sold it and repaced it with a MacBook Pro with Tiger pre-installed and now that I am running on Leopard, it's running just as fast and sometimes even faster than Tiger. I am very pleased.*:)

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  • iJon
    Sep 19, 04:59 PM
    Originally posted by bond2
    Everyone has been complaining so much about the current Macs being so far behind the Pentiums and AMD processors in speed. In actuality the new 1.25ghz Dual G4 is the 3rd fastest consumer PC in the market. It almost matches the fastest AMD processor and is just slightly behind Intels PIV 2.8 ghz machine. Check it out for yourself:

    I really dont care about speeds anymore, its more like i care what my computer can do. which my mac can do much more than my pc. but one thing about these benchmarks. it takes apple two processors to almost beat amds and intels chips. i think apple would be in better shape if they could come this close with a single chip, lets hope that those ibm chips with apple rumors are true.


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  • roadbloc
    Feb 19, 05:01 AM
    I am thinner than Steve Jobs. How long do I have left?

    Are you American? If no then you're okay.

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  • nigameash
    Mar 23, 04:58 PM
    Apple ftw!


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  • japanime
    Nov 11, 03:08 AM

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  • MattInOz
    Aug 19, 06:23 PM
    Why does it work only in the US?


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  • SidBala
    Apr 9, 09:28 PM
    Hmm... Plastic parts from China. He probably pays $5 max for each kit. Very good profit I would say.

    Also if the kid was smart he should have incorporated or created an LLC and than imported and sold all the merchandise under that company. If he did that than his legal liability is pretty limited. They could sue his company for what it was worth. Probably not much. The could fine his company, which he could just shut down and pay none of the fines. He could get away with it with barely paying anything. How do you think all these companies that import Kirf products work?

    Thanks for the info. I will keep that in mind. Just in case I want to start a company that imports KIRF.

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 07:47 PM
    My main purpose in commenting though is to say congrats to Apple on the management of the event, especially the policing of the queue. It was good to see they dealt with pushing in because, let's face it, they get the same money whether you push or not.

    There was one security guy with a shaved head who was excellent although I think he spent most of his time down the other end of the queue. One of the security guys at the front was really nice too but was a bit overwhelmed due to the number of people. There was an Apple guy at the front who was a bit rubbish though and let people in. The queuing was *really* bad at the front. People were pushing in and got away with it at five to six. One guy even barged in at exactly six o'clock.
    Apple apparently couldn't get permission to use barriers from the council - probably because they left it so late to announce when Leopard would be in stores. We (everyone at the front) were *extremely* disappointed with the shocking organisation of the queues. The first 20m or so of the queue was about 4 people wide. The inner two had been there since about 4 while the outer two had queue jumped in at great annoyance to everyone else at about ten to six and the staff did nothing. This is the reason why some of you didn't get t-shirts. We tried complaining and arguing but to no avail. :(


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  • coder12
    Apr 19, 09:55 AM
    My post is "coming soon"......IN PURPLE TEXT!!!!;)

    After reading this I feel sexually confused :confused:

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  • jeffreyropp
    Oct 6, 11:56 AM
    I don't find 3.5" too big.

    That's what she said.


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  • state_of
    Dec 6, 01:49 PM
    Well I've noticed something really weird by pure accident ...it is not that important but it did got my attention and if anyone knows why I would like to know for sure

    first of all i have an ibook, an adsl line and a telindus adsl modem. With the modem I have two computers connected ....my ibook and my brothers windows based machine...By accident in my ibook i used a crossover cable to connect with the modem..and by suprise the internet worked. I tryied the same cable in the windows based machine kai ofcourse it didn't work.... It really seems weird (the straightthrought cable works fine with both mac kai windows computers).

    thnx :D

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  • sim667
    Apr 28, 10:42 AM
    An unscientific survey by Hunch

    Translates to "We completely made up the results" ;)


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  • DeusInvictus7
    Apr 21, 09:11 AM
    As soon as Sandybridge based MBA's arrive, I'm buying.

    Don't want an outdated C2D and Nv's video chipset, I've seen the HD3000 in action and it's very good. Does everything I want and much more.

    From what I read, the Intel HD 3000 is actually better-performing on OS X than the Nvidia 320m. People are paranoying this Intel 3000 issue like it's the plague, while in reality they are basically the same in terms of performance.

    I don't have the money, but if I was to buy a MBA, I'd surely buy it once the Sandy Bridge version came out.

    You guys are forgetting that the LV and ULV version of the HD3000 is underclocked compared to the normal voltage version. So while the normal ones are the same as the 320M, the underclocked LV and ULV ones are definitely not going to match up to the 320M.

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jul 14, 07:28 AM
    4gb onboard sounds cool, but with usb support (finally!) it seems a little superfluous. It would really only be used for saves i assume, and most saves are under 1mb, so you could have ~250 saves on the old model 360 without worrying about space.


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  • AFPoster
    Feb 15, 04:04 PM
    So I am curious if I was looking at a logo is there a tool out there that I can use to click a color and it will tell me it's code (ie #02E003). I don't know if what I am saying makes sense, I am trying as best I can to say what I am thinking.

    Would photoshop be the tool to use, if so what would I click tool wise in its functions. Not a Adobe user thus the question.

    Thanks all.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 1, 06:45 AM
    I when to France once before. I remember the cheapest gas had an octane rating of 95 or so, the next level up was 98 octane. I'm assuming that regular in the UK is around 95 octane as well? That tops what get. Our gas starts at 87 octane and tops out at 93 octane for so called premium (about $0.40 per gallon more than regular where I'm at).

    Anyhow, judging by how our gas is priced, it's about 2x what we pay here in the States. You win some (having better cars), you lose some (higher priced gas).

    Octane ratings are calculated differently in Europe than they are here in the USA. MON versus RON and AKI....

    In the USA the number we see is the AKI (Anti Knock Index) and our 93 - 94 is equivalent with Europe 98. Here is a good read on it...


    That being said, I did live in Germany for 4 years and remember paying 9 to 10 dollars a gallon for gas. Most of that was tax, but I didn't mind paynig it because the roads are awesome.


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  • kingdonk
    Mar 1, 10:30 PM
    More screenshots carrying on from yesterday.
    There will be more from server admin later, which will show file-sharing options.

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  • atszyman
    May 25, 12:17 PM
    Actually, I should be able to do it, you would have to choose your targets yourself though. I will not be able to provide you with the closest threats and/or overtakes, but if you know who you want to track, it's not that hard to show/calculate.
    I'll first clean up the code, add detailed stats, Then i'll redesign the layout and incorporate the threats/overtakes (this might take a while - busy period @ work).

    Now if someone would post this widget in this (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=128541) thread i'd be a happy man. I would do it myself, in fact i almost did...
    Come to think of it, asking is the same as posting it myself but... bah.. lol prrt <over and out> sry


    Here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=1480891#post1480891), now don't go around saying I never do anything for you :D.

    I was actually going to post that before I even read your request, but I figured for sure someone would beat me to it.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 11, 05:38 PM
    Oh, I know it's sort of off-topic, but check this out:

    How to Fold a Shirt (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/fold.php).

    And for those among us here who speak Japanese, what is the woman saying exactly?

    Mar 23, 02:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; nb-no) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This will be a great feature for those countries who doesn't carry the apple tv.

    But there is so many narrow minded Americans in here.

    Mar 28, 09:37 AM
    Anyone else thinks that Apple is readying the merger between iOS and MacOSX, at last?

    I mean, why would the OSX get sliders instead of buttons (-> finder, etc)? And how would otherwise be the file-sharing in a cloud-centric iOS possible?

    Looking quite forward to it!

    What remains to clear how they would deal with the custom Apple ARM vs Intel chipsets programming issue (just as ppc and intel?), programming of apps (.app vs .ipa) ...

    Still, they could make the jump or at least get ready for what would be after-cats OS releases...

    My 2 peanuts. :)

    May 27, 07:40 PM
    I am running the Award Winning folding widget on 10.3.9 using amnesty.


    you can find your user number in the panel to the left of your profile, above user summary. In my case the number is 125107.

    Nov 11, 05:59 AM
    Wow they are actually painful to watch!

    Mar 28, 07:12 PM
    Sold out in less than half a day.

    And Google IO sold out in less than an hour (but costs less that a third as much, minus airfare).

    Mobile development is becoming like a wild land rush.

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