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Pond's Evening Soothe Wet Cleansing Towelettes - Review

Quick post tonight. I bought these wipes at Target I believe in the States last year. They are the Pond's Evening Soothe Wet Cleansing Towelettes with Chamomile and White Tea. This is one of those products that I didn't like at first, but I have grown to like, not love, but like. I bought these last November and I tried them a few times over the winter and my face did not like them. They seemed too harsh at the time. I think that was because my skin tends to be sensitive and irritated in winter in general. It doesn't like much in winter touching it unless its very moisturizing and it's suitable for sensitive skin.

I also didn't like the smell of these. In fairness, I can't stand the smell or taste of chamomile. Since this has chamomile in it, duh on my part, why would I ever love them??? Some people don't mind chamomile and heck, some people even love it. So please take my thoughts with a grain of salt. The smell has grown on me a little and now I can stand it. Don't love it, but I can handle it. It has something calming about it (the smell) after the initial revulsion, and it makes you think, "hey, it's bedtime".

I put these aside after trying them one or twice over the winter. I can always use a wipe to clean up shoes with salt stains or makeup from coat collars etc. There is always a use for a wipe! Anyway, I busted these out a few weeks ago as my skin has been in good shape all summer long and it is not irritated at all. In short, I can use these in summer it seems. These are pretty good at taking all of your face makeup off (I wouldn't use these on your eye area though). They are quite thick and do not rip! They are also quilted and somehow they just seem more high end than most wipes. Also, they have miraculously stayed super wet or moist all of these months since I opened them. No drying out!

These have won an award according to the packaging through Allure magazine in 2012. Basically, these are decent wipes and if you like wipes, I would give these a try. I don't remember what I paid for them but I can't imagine they were more than around $5 (30 towelettes per package).

Packaging: 8/10
Texture: 9/10
Price: 10/10
Ingredients: 8/10
Easy to Work With: 10/10  
Travel Worthy: 6/10 (not unless you packed some in a separate leak proof container) 
Moisturizing: 7/10
Comfortable/Softening: 8/10
Would I buy this again? Maybe 
Overall Rating: 7.5/10
Overall Rating: 7.5/10 (labour intensive but works!)

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